CCCM Partnership

Christ Community Church Milpitas is in partnership with Tagaytay Christian Academy.

Flip Flops

Our CCCM Vacation Bible School kids enthusiastically donated 338 pairs of flip-flops plus $538 cash for even more flip-flops in 2019.
Don Chin Michelle Casibang

Our fabulous host, Don Chin and his ‘Vanna White’, Michelle Casibang, kept the evening lively and encouraged people to go to the Marketplace.

Dancers from the Milpitas Filipino dance troupe, Kaisahan, thrilled us with six dances!

Of course, no Filipino feast is complete without the barbecued ‘lechon’ or roast suckling pig!
Buy Artwork

Our ‘guests’ bought artwork painted by Tagaytay Christian Academy students and teachers.

Fundraiser guests bought ‘bags of groceries’ for Tagaytay shantytown families. Patricia Reed coordinated and led a group of devoted volunteers to put on the Fundraiser.

We organized the mission team into two sub-teams. The first team assisted in the TCA Graduation ceremonies.
(Pat Tang was the Keynote Speaker)

Pat Keynote

Team One members Pat, Ken and Patricia spoke at the Career Day for Young Professionals and the TCA Student/Parents Retreat. They also assisted in the ordination of three new pastors and the first class of deacons for In His Presence Church.
Young Grads

Left to right, with ID of the team they served on: Ken and Patricia Reed (One), Michelle Casibang (Two), Dori and Bruce Faust (Two), Ronnie Huerta (Two), Pat Tang (One) and Jonathan Avila (Two).
Grad Group
Feb Fundraiser

On the last day, the Team distributed the bags of groceries purchased from donations made by CCCM members at the February Fundraiser. Each bag of groceries held enough rice, beans and other goodies to last a family of seven for one week.
Shanty Town

Team Two trekked down the hillsides to the shantytown to invite children to Vacation Bible School later in the week.
The Outreaches

Miss Dori told Bible stories to the Outreach kids who came eager to learn about the Bible—several hundred of them packed into the TCA school hall.
Captain America

The shantytown children were mesmerized when they met Captain America—our Jonathan Avalos. The suit was terribly hot, he says, but it worked magic with the kids.
Outreaches Home

Outreach families live in poverty, often in one bedroom homes like this one without electricity or running water, where eight family members live—parents, grandparents and four children!
Girls Bible Study

Other members of Team Two led crafts and games and Bible studies. Ronnie Huerta made lunch everyday for all 150+ attendees at the VBS

And then Goodbye! To our wonderful Filipino friends!

Patti at Iloilo Airport
Friends Selfie

TCA is a non-profit private school registered with the Secretary of Education, Department of Education of the Philippines, and offers a K ~ 12 program that aims to provide quality and holistic education that includes both academics and character transformation based on Biblical teaching.